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What Is Dildo’s Lament Exactly ?

Dildo’s Lament is a body of work establishing connections between the psychedelic drones produced by dildo vibrations and moaning practices.          
The sound and the body are always at the center.
Those performances imagines what a queer funneral ritual could be, it’s about morning my own assignated identity to welcome the plurality of my gender expressions.

Dildo's Laments’s title is  a reference to the melancholic aria "Dido's Lament" from Purcell's opera Dido and Æneas.

What will be the specific Dildo’s Lament performance for the Porn Film Festival ? 

I’m very intersted about developing site situated specific performance. Meaning that the space, the public, and the context are always elements that invite the art form to be shaped differently.

This specific context give me the desire to give to Dildo’s Laments more space for seducton and teasing of the audience.  I imagine my body, hallf naked, in a edgy and sexy costume, lying on the ground, in a very ambiguous and dramatic attitude. The ambiguity between mourning, seducing,  teasing, and crying will be amplify by a strange set up: 4 or Five purple Dildos are vibrating around me. The imagery is very Camp and Kitch, but the sound is deep and melancholic. 

I imagine a performance of around 35mn, structurated in two part: One very performative with accoustic dildo’s vibrations. One that is more of an experimental concert, playing modular synthesither with Dildo’s, but still with performativity going on. 

Maybe it can be a nice transition from performance to concerts ?

Here you can have an idea of some sonic aesthetic︎︎︎︎︎


        Here you can watch some pictures of previous performances  ︎︎

Dildo’s Laments, Théatre du Générateur,GENTILLY, FR

(The performance will be the 5 of december 2012, with high quality sound and video recordings. I will update thoses archives, and the full video captation of the performance on the nexts weeks here.)

Sas-Cyberrance,Romainville, FR

Dildo’s Laments, Very first performance, at Miami, La Courneuve, FR

Instants Chavirés, Montreuil, FR
